No Power In Camper Except Microwave: What You Need To Check Now

Not having power in your camper is something to look into immediately. And what makes this a challenge is that you do have some power going to your microwave. Knowing this clue, the issue of no power can be things such as

  • Tripped Circuit Breaker
  • Blown Fuse
  • Battery Disconnect Switch
  • Power Converter
  • GFCI Outlet

This post will review each potential issue and the solution to fix each one.

We will first review the clue that we have some power. Knowing that your microwave works mean you get either shore power or power from your generator. And knowing that you are getting power to the microwave usually means that your ac power is working, and the issue may be your battery or the dc power.

Table of Contents

AC Power (120v)

Your microwave runs on 120V ac power. That is the power that can come from your generator or shore power. Other appliances that run on this electrical system are an air conditioner and your GFCI outlet.

DC Power (12v)

All other appliances will run on your battery or dc power. This system is 12V and will run most of the appliances in your camper. Light bulbs, water pumps, and your furnace run on 12v power, separate from your microwave.

Knowing that your microwave is working (ac power), let’s focus our attention on the batteries (dc power) that are not working in your camper.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

You could have a tripped circuit breaker that has disrupted your power. Circuit breakers are part of your 120V electrical system. And if there was a short circuit somewhere, it could have tripped one or several breakers in your panel box.


Go to your panel box and look at your breakers. You may notice that some have been tripped and in the off position. If so, push them back into the “ON” position.

Breakers may have tripped and need to be reset

Even if the breaker is not clearly in the off position, it could have still tripped. It would be a good idea for you to push each breaker into the off position manually, then firmly put them all back into the “ON” position.

Since your microwave is working, that circuit’s breaker is good and should not need to be reset back into the “ON” position.

Blown Fuse

We learned above that circuit breakers are for 120V power. What about battery power? Those are protected not by breakers but by fuses. You should also have a section of just fuses in your panel box. These fuses are going to appliances such as your lights and water pump.


Check your fuses and see if they are good. Use a fuse puller, as wiggling out fuses can cause damage to the fuse or your panel box. You should be able to see the blade in the fuse fully intact if this is a good fuse. If your fuse appears to be good and not the issue, we should continue troubleshooting your camper’s battery system.

Battery Disconnect Switch

If your breakers and fuses seem to be working, the next step is to focus on the overall power source for your battery. Most campers have a battery disconnect switch which can be the culprit to power issues. A faulty disconnect switch will give you no battery power at all and leave you in the dark.


Check your battery disconnect switch. This is either outside your camper, by your battery, or by a round button near the other controls in your camper or RV. Make sure that the knob is complete to the “ON” position and does not get partially rotated to the off position. It would be a good idea to do what we did with the breaker, which turns it off, and then back “ON” to ensure it is entirely in that position.

For more information on troubleshooting this solution, visit my post on Battery Disconnect Switch Problems. This will walk you through a more in-depth analysis and testing of the switch.

Power Converter

Your camper has a power converter that takes shore power and converts it to dc power for your battery. The power converter also acts as a charger for your battery, that way, you never run out of dc power while plugged in.

An issue with your converter could lead to a weak, uncharged battery that leaves no power in your camper. If all the above steps function properly, let’s look at your converter now.


Check your power converter and its fuses. Bad fuses to your converter could shut down your entire camper battery system and be the source of your problem.

For the best post on checking your power converter, visit the RV Converter Fuse location. There is more discussion and tips on preventing and replacing converter fuses.

GFCI Outlet

This type of outlet is used often throughout your camper. Mainly anywhere near water sources, such as outside, kitchen or bathroom, your outlets have a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlet. This outlet, in essence, has its breaker built into the outlet. The reason for that is another level of safety should you be in a situation where you could be shocked.

Since most shocking incidences occur by water, any outlet near water will be provided the extra protection of a GFCI.

Press reset on GFCI outlet

Also, other outlets can be daisy-chained to a GFCI for protection. What does that mean? The protecting GFCI outlet is closest to the power source, and you may have other outlets connected after that outlet on the same circuit. So if any outlets connected after the GFCI have a short, the GFCI breaker in the outlet will protect you.


Reset your GFCI outlet. Find the outlet with the reset/test button in the middle. These buttons are your access to the internal breaker of the outlet. Push in (may need a pen) the reset button. This should make a click sound and reset the outlet.

The best way to know this worked is to grab a light or any other power cord appliance and test the outlet. I suggest plugging in various other outlets to ensure they are all working.

Final Thoughts

If your microwave is working, that is a good sign your issue is related to your battery. A Microwave oven is 120V power while many other appliances, such as a light bulb and water pump, are 12v power from your battery. First, start by checking your breakers and fuses, then work on overall power issues such as a battery disconnect switch and your power converter. Also, check your GFCI outlets, as you could have one trip, leaving you with little to no working outlets in your camper.